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錢不是萬能的,但沒錢萬萬不能: 和money相關的諺語


諺語往往是學習一個語言最難的地方,因為每種語言的邏輯不一樣,就像中文所說的「君子報仇三年不晚」在英文裡卻變成了”Revenge is the dish best serve cold”直翻的話就會變成「報仇最好是冷了再上的一道菜」,因此翻譯是一門大學問,正確的使用諺語正是該語言功力高深的象徵,在考試中,尤其是雅思考試,如果考生能夠正確的使用諺語便會大大的加分唷!

注意,俗語和諺語是不一樣的,俗語是像 What’s up bro? 這種道地口語,也能夠體現你對於該語言的了解深度,但卻不適合在正式的學術考試中使用唷。


1. be in the money突然變得很有錢

If we win this competition we'll be in the money.如果我們贏了這場比賽,就會變得很有錢。

2. be made of money富有

No, you can't have another bike - I'm not made of money!不行,你不能再買腳踏車了——我又不是富翁!

3. for my money依我看來,我認為

For my money, Sunday is the best day to travel because the roads are quiet.依我看來,星期天駕車出外最理想,因為路上很清靜。

4. get/have your money's worth(錢)花得值

He's had his money's worth out of that suit - he's been wearing it for years.他那套西裝買得很值——他穿了很多年了。

5. have money 富有

I believe her family has money.我想她家很有錢。

6. have money to burn 揮霍金錢

I don't know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to burn.我不知道她做甚麼工作,不過看來她的錢多得花不完。

7, marry money和有錢人結婚

One way to get rich is to marry money.致富的一個方法是和有錢人結婚。

8. money doesn’t grow on trees (提醒別人花錢時要謹慎)錢可不是從樹上長出來的,錢可不是從天上掉下來的

"Mum, I'd like a new bike." "I'll have to think about it - money doesn't grow on trees, you know!"「媽媽,我想要輛新腳踏車。」「我要好好想一想──你知道,錢可不是從天上掉下來的!」

9. money for old rope 容易賺的錢

Babysitting is money for old rope if the children don't wake up.如果小孩不醒,照顧孩子是很容易賺錢的工作。

10. money talks 財大氣就粗;有錢就有勢

11. right on the money 恰好;準確

Her prediction was right on the money.她的預測非常準確。

12. put one’s money on sb./sth. 在…上下賭注

He put some money on a horse in the five o'clock race.他在五點鐘那場比賽的一匹馬身上下了賭注。

或解釋為: 確信

Chris will be promoted - I'd put money on it. Chris將獲得晉升——這點我深信無疑。

13. Put your money where your mouth is. 以實際行動支持;以行動證明自己的話

本篇文章由Joanna English 彙整編寫,未經同意請勿轉載

參考資料: Cambridge Dictionary

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